Styling config

Learn how to change theme styling.

Tailwind Config

Go to src/tailwind.config.mjs to change variables.

Don’t touch screens unless you want to change the layout of the app.

lightModeGradient and lightModeGradient inside backgroundImage are used for background gradient which you can see on each page.

That background gradient element is in base layout.

<body class="text-lightModeText dark:text-darkModeText">
<nav />
class="fixed left-0 top-0 z-[-2] h-screen w-full bg-lightModeBg bg-lightModeGradient transition-colors duration-[inherit] dark:bg-darkModeBg dark:bg-darkModeGradient"
<div class="pt-20">
<slot />

Code blocks styling

Inside src/astro.config.mjs inside expressiveCode object you can change code blocks styling.

themes: ['github-dark', 'github-light'],
styleOverrides: {
frames: {
editorActiveTabIndicatorTopColor: 'transparent',
editorActiveTabBorderColor: '#80808080',
editorTabBarBorderBottomColor: '#80808080',
uiFontFamily: 'inherit',
borderColor: '#80808080',

Here is whole expressive code configuration reference.

Inside themes array add two themes for code blocks you wanna use. Here is a list of all supported themes.

Then add those two themes to src/config.ts inside LIGHT_MODE_CODE_BLOCK_THEME and DARK_MODE_CODE_BLOCK_THEME.

Markdown styling

For markdown styling this project uses tailwind plugin called tailwindcss-typography

That plugin provides a utility class called prose, which gives all elements some styling.

For almost every element there is prose utility class for that, e.g. if you want to change color of all uls to black, you will type prose-ul:text-black.

Remember that if you want to change styling of some elements, that you also have to do it for dark mode as well.

Add those classes inside src/layouts/Markdown.astro to the element with markdown id.

Other styling

Inside src/styling folder you have code.css and scrollbar.css.

  • code.css is used for code tags in markdown files (not code blocks)
  • scrollbar.css is used for scrollbar styling
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